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What Should I Do If My Property Was Damaged in a Hurricane?


对您的财产造成的损害 风暴 or 飓风 能让你的生活突然被颠覆吗. 独自收拾残局可能会让人不知所措, 有压力的, 和可怕的, especially when you’re dealing with the loss of your personal belongings and trying to find a safe, 为您和您的家人提供临时住宿区.

At 肖邦律师事务所, our 飓风 damage insurance claims attorneys are committed to helping our neighbors and local community members recover from the recent devastation left behind this 飓风 season.

话虽如此, we are here to provide you with the information you need to successfully obtain loss reimbursement through your insurance policies so you can focus on rebuilding your home and life.


Once it is safe to return to your property or go outside, you should begin evaluating the damages to the exterior of your home. Photo and video evidence is key when showing what damage is present and claiming these damages on your insurance claim. 如果可能的话, try to get a good look at the roof in order to see if there is anything that could cause interior harm to your home.


  1. Roof Devastation: Hurricanes can cause severe damage to roofs, 包括撕裂的瓦板, 护套, 或者完全拆除屋顶, 不管建筑的年代和状况如何.
  2. Interior Destruction: Strong 风暴s can result in doors and 风ows being torn off or broken, 通向水, 风, 以及雨水对房屋内部的破坏, 包括家具, 电子产品, 以及重要的文件.
  3. Structure and Foundation Cracks: Powerful 风 gusts can cause a home to shift, 导致结构或基础出现裂缝的, rendering the property unsafe and uninhabitable until repairs are made.
  4. 设备废墟:供暖和空调机组, 池设备, 电器, 发电机经常在飓风期间受损, with water-damaged equipment requiring complete replacement.
  5. Utility Disruption: Hurricanes can cause significant inconvenience as essential infrastructures like power lines, 互联网连接, 水系统, 电网也经常遭到破坏, 导致漫长的维修周期.

Regardless of the extent or the visibility of the damage, you should document everything! 你拍的照片和视频越多越好. Don’t throw anything away, even if it looks beyond repair. If you believe there to be damage that is not able to be captured on a camera or video recorder, document it by taking detailed notes of what you notice around you.


Most insurance companies require you to report any loss or damage in a prompt and timely manner. 一旦迫在眉睫的危险过去, you will want to contact your homeowner’s insurance company to begin the claims process.

每个保单都是独一无二的, and there are various types of coverages that you may be able to utilize for 飓风-related 财产损失. 记住, 然而, that the insurance adjuster that you speak to is not on your side and is ultimately part of a profit-making business.

虽然这个人看起来很友好, anything you say to them can be used against you to deny your claim. Sometimes, even the way you word something on your claim can lead to a denial. 例如, your homeowner’s insurance policy may cover 风暴 damage but not that caused by flooding. 如果你无意中, 然而, 用“洪水”来代替“风暴”,保险公司可能会试图拒绝你的索赔.


Much of the proof that you need to successfully obtain reimbursement for your 财产损失 如果你不快点行动就会失去吗. While it may take months for the insurance company to process your paperwork, the condition of your property can change before this process is complete, 所以你要确保你有新鲜的证据.

创建一个文档文件夹是个好主意, 无论是物理的还是电子的, that you can use to store all your documents and supporting evidence. 如果您选择保留物理文件, make sure that you put all the paperwork in a gallon-size ziplock bag to keep it protected from water damage.

对于那些使用电子形式的文件, you can try a free home inventory app that is downloadable on most smartphones; here are a few to check out:

  • 二元结构
  • 365bet平台Manage
  • BluePlum家居库存
  • 储备金库存
  • 排序
  • BluePlum家居库存

If you have any repairs done to your home or living costs that you paid for out-of-pocket, 一定要把这些保存在档案里.


最终, it’s in your best interest to speak with an experienced 财产损失 insurance claims attorney in your area who has experience negotiating with insurance companies for damages specific to 飓风s. 在肖邦律师事务所, we understand that damage to your belongings is something that can be both 金融ly and emotionally devastating.

我们的 法律团队 is dedicated to helping you and all property owners across New Orleans and the surrounding areas obtain the reimbursement they need to make their homes whole again after a major natural disaster.

Securing Your Essential Documents: Safeguarding Your Recovery Needs

如何为飓风季节做好准备. 肖邦律师事务所飓风律师

当你为飓风的潜在影响做准备时, it is crucial to prioritize the safeguarding of critical documents that will be vital for initiating your recovery process. Take proactive steps now to ensure the protection of these essential records. 为了协助你的努力, 联邦应急管理局 建议下载综合指南, “很聪明, 保护好你的重要文件和贵重物品,,它提供了一个有用的清单. Store your important papers in a secure and durable fireproof and waterproof box, 提供额外的安心. If you store documents electronically, remember to keep a backup drive in the same secure box. 通过让你的法律, 金融, and medical documents readily available once the immediate danger has passed, you will be better positioned to receive necessary assistance and effectively collaborate with your insurance company.

联系肖邦律师事务所 (504) 475-2429 安排 免费的咨询服务 和我们的法律团队一起进行政策审查.